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Work with talented students

This section contains tips on the development of students' creative abilities and materials for the preparation for the English Olympics.

"A student  is not a cup that needs to be filled, but the torch that should be lighted."
                                                  K. Ushynskiy

Tips for teachers

Посібник "Робота з обдарованими дітьми" 

Пам'ятка учителю

"Як розвивати творчі здібності"

Робота з обдарованими дітьми на уроках англійської мови

Картка обдарованої дитини (бланк)

Форми і методи роботи з обдарованими дітьми

Schedule of olympiads and contests



Round I12.10

Round II: 25.11 

Round III: step 1 - 29.01

                  step 2 - 05.02

"Greenwich - 2017"

Date of the contest: 05.12  

Bank of contest tasks

Guidelines to the 1 round

Tasks for the first round

Keys for the first round

Guidelines to the 2 and 3 rounds

Tasks for the second round

Keys for the second round

Tasks for the third


Keys for the third round

If you have any questions, write your comments or send me your email

Julia Virich

Our achievements

2011 -2012 

Ukrainian contest "The best translation"

Oleksiy Sementsov ( grade 10 )

Iryna Zotova(grade 11)

Tatyana Rak(grade 11 )

Tatyana Rak is  a student of  Applied Linguistics  department in M. Zukovskiy KAI


Laureates of Ukrainian contest in English "Greenwich - 2013" 


Elmira Farkhadova(grade 11 )

District competition of readers ( "Shevchenko poems in English") - the  2 place

The 2 round of Ukrainian students olympiad in foreign languages - the 3 place

Elmira is a student of International Law in Yaroslav the Wise National juridical university 


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